JULY miles

Hi there! I’m back with another uninspiring running update!

Total miles: 95 miles – 14 more than June! Still can’t crack 100 but I’m getting closer.

Days running: 20 – one more days than last month.

Longest run: 9 miles on July 8. I’m starting to think about fall half marathon training and doing longer runs again, but…yeah. I’m not there yet. Procrastination!

Runs on the treadmill: ELEVEN. It’s been hot.

Races: None. Next race is the Hops n Flip Flops 5k August 19. There’s gonna be beer.

Group runs: One I think? With my mom’s running group.

Best run: I think my favorite was that 9 miler. Not the fastest, but the weather was nicer. I also had a decent six last Saturday when the weather was cooler and I managed a faster finish. My last mile was around 8:50.

Worst run: I had a not-great run on the Prairie Path near Chicago. There was a bathroom situation and I barely made it to the CitGo in time. I guess the run was okay after that.

This is what you’re missing if you don’t follow me on Instagram.

#300milesofsummer update: 179 miles since June 1; 131 since the official beginning of summer. (If you’re confused, my running group is doing a summer mileage challenge that began June 1, but the official beginning of summer was June 21 so I’m keeping track of both because I’m a dork like that.

I haven’t been posting weekly running recaps because I’ve just been doing basic ass runs on the treadmill and barely hitting 20 miles a week, but if I do anything noteworthy, I’ll be sure to let you know.


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