Nah…Just kidding…it’s not that bad.

I saw the podiatrist yesterday and he put me at ease by being very cool and casual about everything. I was all in a panic about my heel and my bunions, almost like I expected him to say, “unfortunately, we need to amputate.”

But I guess when you’re a foot doctor you see stuff that’s way worse on a daily basis.

They took x-rays, and it was pretty gross to see what the bones actually look like inside my foot. It just looks painful!

In hindsight, I would have had the nurse email me the x-rays just for blog funsies, but I didn’t. So use your imagination (remember, that thing we all used before television?)

He said -which I already knew- that I would have to get them fixed at some point. But he also said -which I suspected- that I would know when it was time and it wasn’t necessary to do the surgery any time soon.

Some day, I’ll be in agony all the time and I’ll have to make the call. For now, he said as long as I can still run and walk without too much pain, I’m okay. He just said not to wait until I’m 75 and my toes are all grown together and I can’t walk at all. Okay, I think I can handle that.

As far as the heel, the outlook was a little more vague. He said I’m doing everything right — icing, massaging, popping the anti-inflammatories like peanuts; but I’ll just have to wait and see and start running again when I feel ready. Since I tried -and failed- to run on Sunday, I’m going to take a few more days off and maybe give it another go this weekend.

They did make casts of my feet for custom orthotics, which was kind of fun. He said the orthotics would both help with the plantar fasciitis and also would help slow the progression of my bunion growth.

I’m on a bit of a diet right now, even though I hate that word. I just need to watch what I eat since I’m not running 30 miles a week anymore — especially since grandma and paw-paw are going to have enough food to feed an army this weekend. Grandparents sure love to feed you, don’t they?

This was breakfast:

Mean green smoothie and the equally mean New Orleans chicory coffee from TJs. Seriously. If you haven’t tried it yet? WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

Have a great day, cyberkittens.

Peace –

UPDATE: One thing I forgot about the doctor visit: he said usually the runners he sees are all stiff in the Achilles, ankle and calf areas but I’m very flexible and that’s a good thing; it’s going to help me heal faster and stay limber. YOGA, PEOPLE. Weeeee! Loosey goosey! Okay. Bye now.

18 thoughts on “PROGNOSIS: NEGATIVE

  1. Well at least you don’t have to worry about surgery now- that would just kinda suck… but then again so will the “omg my feet hurt all the f-ing time”…

    And I loved when my g’ma would cook up a storm. It was the most wonderful spread of everything bad for you that you could imagine. Love…

  2. Injury recovery is a long ass road. I’m still on it, to a certain extent, and oooh can I feel the frustration still. But, yo, I never got casts of my feet made. Not even as a baby.

  3. Regarding your foot? OWWWWWWWWWWW. Suckage.

    Regarding that coffee? I don’t have a Trader Joe’s around here. But that sounds good. So I’d be up for a coffee exchange at some point (some decent local roasts up my way)…interested?

    This has the potential for funsies, methinks.

  4. “Someday I’ll be in agony and then I’ll have to make the call.”

    Well, as long as you’ve got something to look forward to.


    Glad the short-term prognosis isn’t too bad, though. Could be worse.

  5. Hey, no surgery right now is good news. I swear I found the only blogs to read that have people injured as much as I am. comfort in numbers people, comfort in numbers.

  6. The “Dark Side of Things” is having to “eat” that for breakfast. I’d find some kind of way to burn calories so I could have bacon…even dragging myself around the house for four hours on MY BELLY…

  7. Foot bones are just creepy. I couldn’t actually look at my x-ray. My podiastrist was all “See right here…” and I was all “Serously, just fix that shit cause I’m not looking”.

    That being said, a steady dose of methamphetamines and opiates seems to do the ease the mental pain of not running. And helps keeps your appetite at bay. Good luck!

  8. Pingback: diagnosis: you’re a dumbass « Cheaper Than Therapy

  9. Pingback: DAMN MARIE! Back it again with the plantar fasciitis | Cheaper Than Therapy

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