June recap

I was hoping to get closer to 100 miles in June but LOL NOPE that didn’t happen.

Total miles: 81.7 miles – not as many as I wanted, but about as many I was capable of. It’s been a fairly mild summer here – we had the A/C off all week before we left for New Mexico – but June was still unbearably humid more often than not. On more than a couple of days, I intended to run longer but quit at only 4 or 5.

Days running: 19 – same as last month.

Longest run: 8 miles on June 25. I’m not training for anything right now so weekend long runs have been either casual or nonexistent.

Runs on the treadmill: Three, some shorter ones on my lifting days.

Races: None. Next race is in August.

Group runs: None

Best run: During that brief respite from the heat, I did a passable tempo with three miles at 8:43, 8:44, 8:31.

Worst run: I had a 4 miler June 13 that sucked pretty hard. It was really hot and I didn’t get up early enough and I was a wreck when I finished. #300milesofsummer update: 104 miles since June 1; 56 miles since the official beginning of summer. (If you’re confused, my running group is doing a mileage challenge that began June 1 even though summer didn’t really start until June 21. Moreover, my kids go back to school in two weeks so I’m in denial that it’s going to be hot af for at least two more months.)

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