lukcy bastartd

Before we get started, two things.

First, it took Charlie Sheen’s drug-fueled tirade for Two and a Half Men to be canceled? Really?

Second, Bears head coach Lovie Smith was signed for an additional two years. This is your last chance, dude. Don’t make me hurt you.

Several nights ago, I drank a Lucky -er, Lukcy – Bastartd Ale and didn’t get the chance to blog about it.

I can’t tell you how helpful it is when you have nothing else going on to cash in on a beer blog you’ve been hoarding up for a few days. Instant material, I’ll tell you what. Just one of the perks. I got beers from last year I ain’t even blogged about yet.

Anyway, Lukcy Bastartd is Stone’s 13th Anniversary edition Arrogant Bastard Ale, and it is a cheeky monkey indeed (click to enlarge):

I’d love to be the person in charge of writing copy for Stone. (Dear friends at Stone Brewing: I’m a go-getter and a grammar nerd and I work on the cheap. Email me at cheaperthantherapyblog at yahoo.)

/shameless self-promotion

This beer is classified as an American strong ale; a blend of Arrogant Bastard, Oaked Arrogant Bastard and Double Bastard. That’s a lot of bastards.

The thing about this beer is that it’s not for sissies. It’s kind of…abrasive. You might not like it, and they? Really don’t care. (That’s the arrogant part.)

It’s bready and yeasty with a sweet roasted malty flavor and corpulent amounts of bitter piney hops.

Someone on Beer Advocate said, “I really enjoyed it but my tongue was shredded by the end so I’d prefer a 12oz or to share it;” I agree.

Running hasn’t been treating me so well this week. You know you have a sweet case of the ‘splints when you have the lumpy shins. I’m being careful. But also stubborn and pissy.

I ran four miles on Wednesday, to the dismay of my knees and shins; an attempt at six miles Thursday night ended up being five and a quarter, and this time it wasn’t the knees and shins; it was the heels and ankles.

This is what I get for my infinite snark and sarcasm, folks.

11 thoughts on “lukcy bastartd

  1. They finally canceled that show? Thank Christ. Although honestly, I figured at this point short of killing one of his hookers there was nothing that would ever warrent the end of the show…

  2. Funny-I’ve tried to watch 2 1/2 Men a few times and it was unwatchable. How is that show still on, especially with his antics, and how his he so highly paid? It’s just awful.

  3. Personally, I most admire Charlie Sheen for his political statements.

    Bears? Dream on!

    If you wonder what that Lukcy Basartd bottle says, I spent like 30 minutes figuring it out and typing it.

  4. Pingback: Weekend Mixed Tape Volume 8 « My Running Shorts

  5. Pingback: every once in a while I have good judgment « Cheaper Than Therapy

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